Dragon at Disneyland's Fantasmic! destroyed by massive fire

Apr 23, 2023 in "Disneyland Resort"

Posted: Sunday April 23, 2023 10:08am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

A massive fire at Disneyland Fantasmic! last night resulted in the total loss of the Maleficent dragon that is featured in the finale of the show.

During the second showing of Fantasmic! last night, the show appeared to be running as normal, with Melficent shooting fire out to ignite the water between the audience and the stage.

Just after the planned fireball, fuel could be seen leaking from the head of the dragon, which soon ignited. The fire continued uncontrolled and quickly accelerated, engulfing the entire dragon in flames.

The show was halted, and all cast and crew were safely removed from the area. Disneyland reports that there were no injuries to cast or guests.

Performances of Fantasmic! have been halted, and the show is likely to be unavailable for the foreseeable future.

You can see the full sequence of events in the video below.

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TheCoasterNerd12 hours ago

It will return post-castle refurb early next year

Starship82423 hours ago

That's something I don't understand. Every other fire effect has returned. Why not the castle ones? It's clearly not a DLR problem since they came back to WOC.

iMax1 day ago

Speaking of fire..is castle fire jets completely axed? Even though there’s a sprinkler system for the Fantasyland roofs?

wtyy211 day ago

If they want to avoid the fire incident last year, they would need to equipped in a better fire suppression system in place of dragon themselves. I believe, that was one of major flawed issues regarding the "older" 2009 dragon.

iMax1 day ago

And hopefully equipped with a fire suppression system.

D.Silentu1 day ago

Funny thing about the Main Street Electrical Parade is it's advertised as the apex of Disneyland nostalgia, yet has returned so frequently that there is hardly enough time in the interim to become nostalgic for it.

PiratesMansion1 day ago

MSEP seems like a bigger deal because there's a huge contingent of locals and APs who go insane for it, but if you asked the average person which light parade was more impressive objectively today in 2024, PTN would win. The apparent popularity of MSEP compared to PTN is also skewed because the resort has hardly allowed PTN a fair fight here-it's only come back once or twice since the 60th and not at all since 2018. Meanwhile, MSEP gets trotted out again and again and again, even if its age and antiquity are increasingly obvious to all not blinded by the nostalgia goggles. Perhaps those PTN costume issues have credence, but it shouldn't be that difficult for a company with the resources Disney has to redesign them if that's true-and it's worth nothing that the HKDL version of PTN ran continuously until the pandemic hit. It's not like PTN can't or won't do the sorts of numbers MSEP does, it's that for whatever reason the powers that be at DLR specifically just aren't interested in giving it a shot.

jrhwdw2 days ago


Disney Irish2 days ago

There has been no indication of a new or expanded parade route for DLForward at this point. I think the poster is just hoping that something like that might exist in the future, and would like the MSEP to be used for it if that happens.

jrhwdw2 days ago

Is a Parade Route coming to DForward????

Disney Irish2 days ago

I honestly think most DLR fans are tired of MSEP, it’s old and outdated at this point. Especially when compared to PtN. Sure MSEP has the nostalgia factor, but that only lasts so long before it gets seen as outdated. Anyways I hope one day that PtN returns and MSEP stays retired.

coffeefan2 days ago

Just anecdotally it seems like MSEP has more of a following and is a bigger draw to casual fans. Maybe it made a bigger cultural impact because of how long it ran. It seems that way from my observations anyway, so I think it would be a nice addition to a theoretical third gate or expanded lands to have something at night. I agree with PtN for the 70th though or they could do something new.

Disney Irish2 days ago

Why? Let that parade stay retired, no reason to bring it back when you have a great successor in PtN.

coffeefan2 days ago

I would save the MSEP for whatever the DForward project is to connect the old with the new. (But also add to it some new floats)