The effort put in the architecture and artwork is fantastic. It outshines the fact that sleeping tigers are boring to watch, just as in any zoo. Anyway, makes for a nice stroll. Your mileage may vary.
Of the two trails, I would say this is the best one. Not only are the signature Tiger's included, but you get to see komodo dragons along the way. These are amazing creatures (and BIG) a sight to behold when the biggest lizard you've seen is a garden gecko. The themeing is well done and is a nice relaxing walking tour of some of Asia's wonderful animals.
The trail has many animals along its course. The tigers are the best exhibit but the Komodo Dragon is cool as well. It has a unique room filled with bats and a bird sanctuary as well. The Maharajah trail is a good place for a walk. It isn't usually too crowded either.
This trail is full of animals for you to see and is beautifully decorated. I would not miss this if you go to Animal Kingdom. This and the Pagani trail are one of the best animal exhibits anywhere.