Step aboard the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser with new video showing lightsaber training, the bridge and more

Nov 20, 2021 in "Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser"

Posted: Saturday November 20, 2021 10:23am ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

Disney Parks chairman Josh D'Amaro shared a new look inside Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser at today's Destination D23 event at Walt Disney World.

The quick tour shows lightsaber training and a look at the Halcyon starcruiser bridge.

Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser will debut March 1, 2022 at Walt Disney World Resort

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MarissaBullockJul 22, 2024

I am also an introvert, but I have learned to feel alone even among people. It helps me to worry less.

BagOfGroceriesJun 13, 2024

LindseyDisneyJun 13, 2024

I'm an introvert and hate using smart devices. Watching Jenny's video only confirms this hotel would be my personal nightmare. But makes me mourn for Pleasure Island and their actors. And the actors in the parks.

Mickey's PalJun 07, 2024

It does prove the vast majority who went on it did not love it as so many claim.

_calebJun 06, 2024

I'm glad you finally stopped claiming the video "proved" anything about how anyone other than Jenny felt about the Starcruiser. "Addressed" seems like a much better word. The way you posted this earlier: "Her video proved the vast majority who experienced it did not love it and she breaks down why and that exact argument you made lol" Made it sound like you didn't watch the video, didn't understand it, or didn't know how to communicate your thoughts clearly. I've made it clear that I liked the video and I don't disagree with anything in it. Jenny shares her experience and her opinions and what she sees as larger issues. People are free to agree with her or disagree with her, and some people in this thread had very different experiences on the Starcruiser and felt otherwise. I'm tired of reading nonsense by people who have strong, yet completely uninformed, reactionary opinions.

Mickey's PalJun 06, 2024

I Have seen it 4 times. 5 by this weekend. I fully understand it and LOVE IT. And it fets better and mpre scathing everytime I watch it. All of your questions she addresses in the video.

Mickey's PalJun 06, 2024

Her video will go down in history of one of the greatest videos of all time on youtube. She really torched Disney and those in this thread trying to disprove or discount her experience and critique of the Star Wars hotel by literally saying the exact pharses used by them (she was soo smart to anticipate their exact retorts) in this thread and flat out saying the excuses do not fly and breaks down why! Brilliant stuff.

TP2000Jun 06, 2024

Agreed. And what's funny is that a few years ago I could have easily dismissed her because she's this very young person, wearing funny outfits, making 4 hour long videos about Disney nerdy stuff. But she taught me not to dismiss that type of person just because they are so young, and so nerdy/wacky. It turns out the wackiness is genuine charm, on top of real knowledge and savviness. She's a very sharp young lady. She nails Disney to the wall on every single issue she tackles here in this video, and she does it with a fully researched archive of official public statements and deadly quotes from the past. Plus youthful wit and charm. If I were 23 again, and straight, I'd ask her out immediately. Or at least buy her a drink and see where that goes. 😍

Lil Copter CapJun 06, 2024

Couldn't agree more. And I love that she acknowledged how unfortunate this is for others. (Because she tried to initially not take advantage of her privileged position on the internet.) This genuinely won me over. She's incredibly sharp, well-spoken, and definitely knows what she is talking about. I greatly enjoyed all 4 hours of the video.

IncomudroJun 06, 2024

She really killed it on that "You've been robbed segment." Just buried Disney. And they deserve it.

brideckJun 05, 2024

I actually really enjoyed the trip to Batuu part of the Starcruiser, even though I'd been to GE a couple times before. The cast in the park treated you differently when they saw that you were on a cruise, which helped keep the immersion of the experience. On one of the other points, although I don't recall any cruiser-specific missions in GE where super-visible stuff happened (a la the various Epcot games over the past 20 years) there definitely were more that interacted with the environment. I distinctly remember ones where we interfered with the giant engine at Ronto Roasters and made something silly happen in the back room of the Toydarian's shop. Not sure if any of those have migrated into the standard GE missions now that the Starcruiser's gone or if they're just unused now. It's also the only time that I've ridden Smuggler's Run and felt like the story mattered at all because they tied it in nicely to the plot unfolding on the ship.

TP2000Jun 04, 2024

For those concerned about the 4 hour run time on this video, I completely understand. When I heard this was a 4 hour review video, I laughed and thought "No way in hell...". And I'm retired and live a life of decadent relaxation. But I'm glad I was convinced to watch it. That said, and especially because most of us here are already familiar with the Starcruiser concept and product overall, you can really get a good chunk of her overall thesis and sound reasoning just by watching the last 12 minutes of the video labeled "Part XX: You've Been Robbed". I keyed it up here. Take 12 minutes and watch, and ponder our future as fans of "Disney" under this current leadership.

TP2000Jun 04, 2024

I watched this video in its 4 hour entirety last night, after several people in the Disneyland forum raved about it and said I should. I fully expected to start skimming after a few minutes, but suddenly I looked up at the clock and an hour had already gone by. I was hooked. The video is very well done and fascinating. This young lady is sharp as heck! So much has already been said about it, and there were so many parts that were new information to me, but one thing that absolutely infuriated me was... :mad::mad::mad: Miss Nicholson's explanation of how at several times during her Starcruiser experience, the product she specifically paid for either failed or never arrived or was defective. And so she went through the approved channels via Guest Services or a 1-800 number to report the problem and ask for a fix or a refund. And she was repeatedly denied refunds or replacement merchandise after speaking to Disney customer service reps, reminded that she didn't read the fine print and thus Disney owes her nothing, or was simply ghosted by Disney over their own errors. Until... after exhausting all normal service solution options, she posted about the problem/defect on Twitter and then because she has a few hundred thousand followers suddenly a Disney rep was calling her personal cell phone to apologize and set up an immediate solution. That's utter crap on Disney's part! :banghead: The Disney reps contacting her via Twitter days/weeks after her problem was ignored by Disney's regular and traditional customer service channels were routinely gushingly polite, and suddenly went over and above to please her. She got a replacement droid sent to her via overnight FedEx with a bunch of free swag added, as one example. She paid over $6,000 for a 2 day stay for her and her sister, and Disney could not, or would not, fix the obvious errors or broken merchandise during and after the cruise. But suddenly when she posts on Twitter with a high follower count, Disney assigns a personal shopper to her to send free replacements and love gifts to her. If she was Jenny Nicholson a dentist from California on the Galactic Starcruiser with no Twitter account, she's SOL with Disney. But once she notifies Disney she's Jenny Nicholson a blogger from California on the Galactic Starcruiser with 350,000 Twitter followers, Disney does a 180 and starts kissing her behind and reversing their prior customer service decisions? This is unacceptable behavior and policy on Disney's part. If the massive failure of the Galactic Starcruiser proves anything, I'm glad it could prove that.

_calebMay 31, 2024

I mean, I'm really glad they don't, but they could easily charge for the pirate scavenger hunt. Charge a nominal fee, and you get to keep the treasure map and win a prize for completion. I know the set pieces cost some money, but I think those are literally run by one CM. But you make a good point about how the wands at WWoHP can sometimes create traffic issues for those not participating. In my opinion, they need to add more wand-interactive things so there isn't a queue to do each of the few. It's not as fun to just take a turn making the thing do what you just watched others kids do a dozen times in a row. Also, many of those require CM babysitting. Yes, I think this sort of thing would be great--a secret room/lounge/booth at Oga's or a basement where rebels/resistance meet. I was actually thinking that catwalks, balconies, and rooftops of SW:GE would be perfect for this (I know, they weren't designed for guest access). But if they were, the premium-access interactive experience could have that shared resource of energy, movement, and set pieces.