Bob Iger asks if Florida wants Disney to 'invest more, employ more people, and pay more taxes, or not?'

May 10, 2023 in "The Walt Disney Company"

Posted: Wednesday May 10, 2023 5:09pm ET by WDWMAGIC Staff

During this afternoon's quarterly earnings call, Disney CEO Bob Iger was asked how investors should think about the risk in both near-term and long-term business for Disney during the ongoing dispute with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

In a passionate response, a clearly frustrated Iger went into more detail about Disney's fight against Florida and gave more insight into special districts, tax, Disney's contributions to the state, and his view that Disney is being punished for speaking out against DeSantis' political policies.

Here is a transcript of his comments.

Regarding Florida I have got a few things I want to say about that, Phil. First of all I think the case that we filed last month made our position and the facts very clear and that is really that this is about one thing and one thing only and that is retaliating against us for taking a position about pending legislation. And we believe that in us taking that position we are merely exercising our right to free speech. Also this is not about special privileges or a level playing field or Disney in any way using its leverage around the state of Florida. But since there's been a lot said about special districts and the arrangement that we have I want to set the record straight on that too. There are about 2000 special districts in Florida.Most are established to foster investor development where we were one of them. He basically made it easier for us and others, by the way to do business in Florida and we built the business that employs as we said before, over 75,000 people, and attracts tens of millions of people to the state. So while it is easy to say that the Reedy Creek special district that was established for us over 50 years ago benefited us, it is misleading to not also consider how much Disney benefited the state of Florida. And we are also, we are not the only company operating a special district. I mentioned 2000 for the Daytona Speedway, it has one. So do the villages which is a permanent retirement community and there are countless others. So the goal here is, if the goal is leveling the playing field in the uniform application of the law or government oversight of special districts needs to occur or be applied to all special districts. There's also a false narrative that we have been fighting to protect tax breaks as part of this. But in fact we are the largest taxpayer in Central Florida paying over 1.1 billion in state and local taxes last year alone. We pay more taxes specifically more real estate taxes as a result of that special district. And we all know there was no concerted effort to do anything to dismantle what was once called Reedy Creek special district until we spoke out in the legislation. So this is plainly a matter of retaliation while the rest of the Florida special districts continue operating basically as they were. I think it's also important for us to say our primary goal has always been to be able to continue to do exactly what we have been doing there, which is investing in Florida. We are proud of the tourism industry that we created and we want to continue delivering the best possible experience for guests going forward. We never wanted and we certainly never expected to be in the position of having to defend our business interests in federal court, particularly having such a terrific relationship with the state as we have had for more than 50 years. And as I mentioned on our shareholder call we have a huge opportunity to continue to invest in Florida.I noted that our plans are to invest 17 billion over the next 10 years, which is what the state should want us to do. We operate responsibly. We pay our fair share of taxes. We employ thousands of people and by the way we pay them above the minimum wage substantially above the minimum wage dictated by the state of Florida. We also provide them with great benefits and free education so I'm gonna finish what is obviously kind of a long answer by asking one question. Does the state want us to invest more, employ more people and pay more taxes or not?

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JoeCamel15 days ago


DCBaker15 days ago

The CFTOD has added a Board of Supervisors meeting next Wednesday, September 11, at 7pm. Here's the published agenda:

V_L_RaptorAug 10, 2024

I'm sensing an opportunity for Super High Intensity Training, here.

flyakiteAug 09, 2024

I am not sure if this is relevant to anyone anymore. So if not, sorry for the bump.

cranbizJul 30, 2024

Don't forget eNPS.

pdude81Jul 30, 2024

Don't taze me, bro

Nubs70Jul 30, 2024

Ack!!!!! That one is the worst..... I see your NPS and taise you a SalesForce

Batman'sParentsJul 30, 2024 or for those who can't see past the paywall: The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District's supervisor board voted July 24 to bring on attorney Roy Payne as in-house counsel. Until now, the entity that governs Walt Disney World property in Orlando had Fishback Dominick law firm on retainer. Stephanie Kopelousos, district administrator since March, said the district needs someone who can provide consistent, on-site legal guidance, which external counsel cannot always offer. Board members echoed the sentiment that having an in-house counsel like Payne would ensure the district's legal needs are met more effectively. “When I came in, I thought it was important for our team to have someone here day to day,” she said. Before introducing Payne, Kopelousos said she had conducted a search with help from Craig Mateer, the most recent addition to the board. Payne, who until now was chief assistant city attorney for Orlando, got the job in part due to his 33 years as a lawyer for local government. "The district, as you know, is a very unique animal,” Payne said. “It's a special kind of organization ... The learning curve is a little more than I was expecting because things are done quite differently here than in your typical municipal corporation or county, but it's been refreshing to be a part of this." The district’s latest approach to legal counsel is not a reflection on the quality of services provided by Winter Park-based Fishback Dominick, said Vice Chair Charbel Barakat. Crediting attorneys Kurt Ardaman and Daniel Langley of Fishback — who attended the board meeting — for putting the puzzle pieces of the district in place, he said, "You all have helped us build policies and procedures that have made this a best-in-practice, best-in-breed government going forward. We're going to continue to build on that work and the foundation you all have built." The district's board members were appointed last year by Gov. Ron DeSantis to replace the Reedy Creek Improvement District special government as part of a year-long feud between the governor and Disney. Board members said Ardaman and Langley will help transition the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District from outside special counsel to in-house general counsel, particularly concerning ethical and conflict-of-interest issues. Payne said he already has a prior relationship with Fishback Dominick, having worked with the firm on cases during his tenure with Orlando.

JoeCamelJul 30, 2024

Gee I haven't checked my Net Promoter Score lately.......

Nubs70Jul 30, 2024

While a little buzz wordyish.... KPI's are at least measurable.

Nubs70Jul 30, 2024

You either have one or have been victimized by one that does.

mktJul 30, 2024

Unfortunately, I am currently bandwidth-constrained and unable to allocate resources to this task. Let's touch base later to reassess priorities. Understood. We'll ensure our communication is both robust and paradigm-shifting to adhere to best practices and maintain a gold standard. Indeed, they're strategically right-sizing to optimize individual cast member potential, thereby enhancing overall operational efficiency and maximizing ROI.

GCTalesJul 30, 2024

I thought they were just right sizing to maximize individual cast member potential

VacationeerJul 29, 2024

Best practices are to squeeze robust and paradigm in somewhere