Disney has unveiled new concept art for Disney Villains: Unfairly Ever After, the upcoming live show set to debut this summer at Disney's Hollywood Studios. The artwork offers a glimpse into the dramatic and immersive world being brought to life on the Sunset Showcase stage.
The new art showcases the Magic Mirror's mysterious realm, where iconic villains like Cruella de Vil, Captain Hook, and Maleficent will take center stage to tell their side of the story. In the finale, the audience will play a role in determining whether these misunderstood villains can win over the crowd.
A team of designers has been working on the show's stage design for nearly two years. The goal is to create an immersive experience complete with thrilling effects, dynamic live musical numbers, and a captivating narrative. According to Disney, the show will strike a perfect balance between drama, humor, and iconic Disney magic.
Stay tuned for more updates as Disney releases additional details and sneak peeks leading up to the show's summer 2025 debut.
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