The wooden docks built for the short-lived KiteTails show at Disney's Animal Kingdom have now been removed. These structures were originally installed along Discovery River as launch points for the large kites featured in the show. The metal pilings used to support the docks remain, though it's unclear whether these will also be removed or left in place.
KiteTails debuted in October 2021 as part of Walt Disney World's 50th Anniversary celebration. The daytime show featured oversized kites of Disney characters from The Lion King and The Jungle Book, towed by jet skis across Discovery River. Despite its creative concept, KiteTails became known for its unpredictable landings, as kites crashed into the seating area at the Discovery River Amphitheater or behind trees. The show was reworked several times before Disney quietly ended it in September 2022.
With no signs of a new show coming to Discovery River anytime soon, this appears to be a routine maintenance decision rather than preparation for a future entertainment offering.
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